Forging ahead to fulfill dreams --- congratulations to CHKO on holding the 2013 commendation meeting
Forging ahead to fulfill dreams --- congratulations to CHKO on holding the 2013 commendation meeting

Forging ahead to fulfill dreams --- congratulations to CHKO on holding the 2013 commendation meeting

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  • Time of issue:2014-02-24 17:10

Forging ahead to fulfill dreams --- congratulations to CHKO on holding the 2013 commendation meeting

(Summary description)Forgingahead,let'spaintthegrandiosefuturetogether;buildingthedreamsofCHKO,promotedevelopmentthroughagoodplatform!OnJanuary23,2014,CHKO's2013commendationmeetingwasheldatWuhanHigh-speedRailKerryInternationalHotel.ChairmanofthecompanyWangXinchenggatheredtogetherwithallthestaffofthecompanytocelebratetheevent.Themeetingconsistsoftwochapters:2013year-endcommendationmeetingandtheNewYearparty.Accordingtotheagenda,thecompanyofficialdocumentspresentation,thecollectivedebutoftheBoardofdirectors,therecognitionofadvancedemployees,andspeechbyadvancedemployees,andotherprogramsproceededoneafteranother.Intheend,thecompany'schairmanWangXinchengdeliveredanimportantspeech.Hefirstpresentedtheworkfulfilledin2013,analyzedtheeconomicsituationin2014fromtheaspectsofnationalpolicies,regionaldevelopment,andindustryprospects,andthenproposedtheoverallobjectiveofthecompanyfor2014,todevisethespecificlayoutforthecompanyinthenewyear.Afterwards,theNewYearpartywaskickedoffinthecheerfulrhythmofdance“OdetoAuspiciousness”.Thepartywasfullofwonderfulprograms.Thevibrantdancebroughtbythetechnologycenter“8090”wonwavesofapplausefromtheaudience;themanufacturingcenter'schorus“everyonerowingthebigboat”fullydemonstratedtheunitedandfightingspiritofouremployeesstrivingforexcellence;thepoetryrecitation“GratefulHeart”oftheNo.1MarketingDepartmentadvocatesthatthestaffshouldbegratefulforfavorsreceived.TheCompany'sleadersinteractedwithemployees.Singing,applause,andcheersrangoutcontinuously,lingeringlongattheparty.Finally,theNewYearpartycametoanendwiththeelegantdance“AToasttoCHKO”.TheboatofCHKOin2013brokethroughwavesandsailedacrossthevastocean!The2014marksanewstartingpoint,andanewjourney.Wewillforgeahead,overcomedifficultiesahead,andcontinuetocreatebrilliance!

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2014-02-24 17:10
  • Views:14

Forging ahead, let's paint the grandiose future together; building the dreams of CHKO, promote development through a good platform! On January 23, 2014, CHKO's 2013 commendation meeting was held at Wuhan High-speed Rail Kerry International Hotel. Chairman of the company Wang Xincheng gathered together with all the staff of the company to celebrate the event.

The meeting consists of two chapters: 2013 year-end commendation meeting and the New Year party. According to the agenda, the company official documents presentation, the collective debut of the Board of directors, the recognition of advanced employees, and speech by advanced employees, and other programs proceeded one after another. In the end, the company's chairman Wang Xincheng delivered an important speech. He first presented the work fulfilled in 2013, analyzed the economic situation in 2014 from the aspects of national policies, regional development, and industry prospects, and then proposed the overall objective of the company for 2014, to devise the specific layout for the company in the new year.

Afterwards, the New Year party was kicked off in the cheerful rhythm of dance “Ode to Auspiciousness”. The party was full of wonderful programs. The vibrant dance brought by the technology center “80 90” won waves of applause from the audience; the manufacturing center's chorus “everyone rowing the big boat” fully demonstrated the united and fighting spirit of our employees striving for excellence; the poetry recitation “Grateful Heart” of the No. 1 Marketing Department advocates that the staff should be grateful for favors received. The Company's leaders interacted with employees. Singing, applause, and cheers rang out continuously, lingering long at the party.

Finally, the New Year party came to an end with the elegant dance “A Toast to CHKO”. The boat of CHKO in 2013 broke through waves and sailed across the vast ocean! The 2014 marks a new starting point, and a new journey. We will forge ahead, overcome difficulties ahead, and continue to create brilliance!


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