President, Xincheng Wang was invited to be the Innovative guest of ‘Today Optical Valley’
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- Time of issue:2011-01-01 17:14
President, Xincheng Wang was invited to be the Innovative guest of ‘Today Optical Valley’
(Summary description)ThefollowingisthereportonpresidentXinchengWangof‘TodayOpticalValley’on10-11doubleissue(total37thissue)2011:Innovatorguest:XinchengWang,male,46yearsold,EMBAmastergraduatedfromWuhanUniversity.Foundedin2006,HubeiCHANGJIANGELECTRICCo.,hadaccesstothe3CCertificate,powerengineeringgeneralcontractingqualificationcertificateaboutsmartgriddevicesproduction,wasawarded‘AAACreditEnterprise’.Thecompany'sproductswerenamedWuhanbrand-nameproductsin2010.In2007,CHANGJIANGELECTRICformedastrategicpartnershipwithABB,SchneiderElectricandotherinternationallyrenownedcompanies.In2010,companyinvestedandconstructedCHANGJIANGELECTRICindustrialfactoryofannualproductioncapacityupto1billionyuanandputitintoproduction.Inrecentyears,companyhasparticipatedinconstructionofBeijingcapitalinternationalairport,ThreeGorgeswaterconservancyproject,theministryofrailwayselectrificationengineeringbureau,TibetanTibetanhydropowerprojectandothernationallargekeyprojects,company’sperformancespreadsacrossthewholecountryandoutstandsinourprovincialline.XinchengWanghadbeenindividuallyawarded‘OutstandingEntrepreneursofHubeiProvince,‘TopTenOutstandingEntrepreneurialFigureofWuhanCity’.Quotations:‘China'ssmartpowergridconstructionisabouttousherinthegoldenage,whichwouldbehaveabigindustryreshuffle,thosebigwigswhousedtosummonwaveswillalsobacktothesamestartingline,andIwanttobetheonefirstrushingoutofthestartinglineafterthegunshot.’
- Categories:Company News
- Author:
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- Time of issue:2011-01-01 17:14
- Views:37
The following is the report on president Xincheng Wang of ‘Today Optical Valley’ on 10-11 double issue (total 37thissue) 2011:
Innovator guest:
Xincheng Wang, male, 46 years old, EMBA master graduated from Wuhan University.
Founded in 2006, Hubei CHANGJIANG ELECTRIC Co., had access to the 3C Certificate, power engineering general contracting qualification certificate about smart grid devices production, was awarded ‘AAA Credit Enterprise’. The company's products were named Wuhan brand-name products in 2010.
In 2007, CHANGJIANG ELECTRIC formed a strategic partnership with ABB, Schneider Electric and other internationally renowned companies.
In 2010, company invested and constructed CHANGJIANG ELECTRIC industrial factory of annual production capacity up to 1 billion yuan and put it into production. In recent years, company has participated in construction of Beijing capital international airport, Three Gorges water conservancy project, the ministry of railways electrification engineering bureau, Tibetan Tibetan hydropower project and other national large key projects, company’s performance spreads across the whole country and outstands in our provincial line.
Xincheng Wang had been individually awarded ‘Outstanding Entrepreneurs of Hubei Province, ‘Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurial Figure of Wuhan City’.
‘China's smart power grid construction is about to usher in the golden age, which would be have a big industry reshuffle, those bigwigs who used to summon waves will also back to the same starting line, and I want to be the one first rushing out of the starting line after the gunshot.’
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